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Scrapbooking Intro

I first started scrapping about 5-6 years ago.  My sister had started doing it and she encouraged me to start as well.  I was resistant at first and away at school, so it was easy to resist.  Then I came home for a visit and my sister dragged me to a scrap night at a Local Scrapbook Store (LSS).  I had a lot of fun and didn’t actually do much scrapping.  It was more the fun of hanging with my sister and a bunch of other women.  Sometimes being in my 20’s and finding a nighttime activity that is not a bar can be difficult.

The thing I enjoy most about scrapping is really the playing with papers & pens & stickers.  I always loved art class and scrapping is like art class for grownups with photographs.  Works of art that showcase and highlight your prized photos.  Card making is like art class for grownups without the photos.

Lately I’ve been focusing on scrapping photos of my niece.  She’s one of the big loves of my life.  Plus, I have a million cute pictures of her! I have a special 8 x 8 album that is just for layout of Kaitlyn.

Online blogs and scrapbook forums have given me a lot of great ideas.  There are a lot of page maps posted, tips and contests to try.  Page maps are like blue prints for a scrapbook page.  I post my layouts over at scrapjazz and occasionally post in the forums as well.  I don’t have too many layouts up yet, but I’m working on it.  I should post more often to make a few scrapbooking friends.  It would be great to have some friends who appreciate the time and effort I put into my pages.

Lately, I’ve only been scrapping when I go to scrap night with my sister.  We go to the LSS and it’s a great night out. It last for like 6 hours.  You pay a fee and you get:  snacks, dinner, dessert and drinks.  A little gift for coming, demonstrations, and there are door prizes given away.  It’s a really fun night out and I wish we could do it more often.